FREE BrainPad
How do I get a Sample BrainPad?
This is a question we receive on an almost daily basis. We regularly donate BrainPads to schools and organizations, and you may get a free one (or more) as well. As our budget is limited by donations, we only offer complimentary BrainPads to qualified educators. We understand teachers have limited budgets, and we do our best to help. Please read this page before asking for freebies.
Use the Online Simulator
The Microsoft MakeCode online simulator can provide several weeks of classroom activities for free. Even if you don’t have a BrainPad, the first step is to try your programs on the simulator. Of course, students are much more engaged when they have the actual hardware, but please familiarize yourself with the simulator before asking for free samples. You will have a much higher chance of being selected if you share a project that was created by you or your students.
Lead the STEM Movement
Do you help other teachers? Do you create content or curriculum? We would love to see how you are helping other teachers and the community.
How to get a FREE sample
To get a FREE sample, we would like you to answer a few questions first. These questions are just a guide, please tell us whatever you think would be of interest in how you want to use the BrainPad. We may even feature on our “Spotlights” page.
Get Started Now!
We can’t wait to hear from you to see how we can work together. Get started today with the online simulator and share you experience with us at!